Complex Enzyme FCP-100
Improve performance, reduce diarrhea and watery stools of young animals, birds
Supplement the deficiency of endogenous enzymes
Eliminate the hydrated gel structure of resistant starch
Degradation of anti-nutritional factors
Improve the digestibility of transgenic feed materials
Complex Enzyme FAE-32
Designed for broiler based on the analysis of the digestive physiology of broilers and the anti-nutritional factors of typical feed formulations.
Increase the weight gain rate of broilers.
Reduce feed costs.
Improve the environment in the poultry house.
Reduce nutritional diarrhea and indigestion.
Designed for egg poultry, it bring more raw material choices by eliminating anti-nutrition in feed .
Expand the range of raw materials and increase the usage of unconventional raw materials.
Reduce feed cost.
Prolonging the peak period of laying, increasing the weight of egg and reducing the ratio of feed to egg.
Reduce nutritional diarrhea, reduce water stool, feces easy to form.
Improve the quality of eggs.